Sabtu, 22 Desember 2018

Tugas Pembelajar Bahasa Inggris Berbantuan Komputer 3

Soal A

3.         Waterboilat  212 degrees F, and freezes at 32 degrees F.
A       B    C                                      D

            The wrong answer is : B. boil
Reason: It should be “boils”, because the sentence “water boils at 212 degrees F” is a general truth of simple present. And the verb should be added by (s/es). Because simple present is used for general truth or habitual action. So, the right answer is “boils”.

Soal B

2.         Most slugs and snails breathe using a lung which opens through a small hole
    A                                   B
in the sideof its bodies.
     C                  D

            The wrong answer is : D. bodies
Reason : It should be “body”, because at the beginning word is singular. So the next word must be followed by singular as the same form.

Soal C

6.         The sooneryou leave,  the earliestyou will  arrive at your destination.
              A             B               C             D

            The wrong answer is : C. the earliest
Reason : It should be “the earlier”, because it should be in the same form as “the sooner”.