Sabtu, 30 Maret 2019

Tugas Penerjemahan Berbantuan Komputer 1

Google translation version

Arsitektur di Inggris

Arsitektur Inggris unik dengan gaya dan bentuknya sendiri. Struktur arsitektur mereka menggambarkan ciri-ciri khusus dari periode sejarah yang berbeda, dari abad ke-5 penaklukan Romawi, sepanjang Abad Kegelapan dan Renaisans yang pengaruhnya masih ada dalam warisan arsitektur Inggris.

Ada kastil, monumen, dan bangunan arsitektur lainnya di seluruh negeri dan banyak dari mereka saat ini diubah menjadi tempat wisata. Objek-objek ini berpadu sempurna dengan tren terkini dalam arsitektur modern.

Selama abad keenam, ada banyak gereja Anglo-Saxon yang dibangun di Inggris. Dengan invasi Normandia, ada sejumlah besar istana gaya Norman selama abad ke-11. Ada kastil Carrickfergus yang dibangun pada abad ke-12 di tepi Belfast Lough. Di ibukota Inggris, London ada bangunan Romawi pertama di Inggris, Westminster Abbey.

Antara abad ke-12 dan ke-16, sudah saatnya gaya Gotik membuat dampaknya pada arsitektur Inggris. Meskipun awalnya disalin dari Perancis, katedral gothic Inggris mengembangkan fitur unik mereka. Misalnya, ada Katedral Canterbury, dibangun pada 1174, diikuti oleh Katedral Wells dan Katedral Lincoln.

Di kedua sisi perbatasan Anglo-Skotlandia, masih ada sejumlah istana batu yang tersisa dari Perang Kemerdekaan Skotlandia selama abad ke-14. Banyak penemuan teknik yang dibuat kemudian pada Renaissance menyebabkan munculnya banyak gaya bangunan artistik baru.

Kastil-kastil tua juga memiliki proporsi warisan arsitektur di Inggris. Di antara banyak dari mereka, beberapa yang paling indah dan paling dikunjungi oleh wisatawan adalah Kastil Windsor, Kastil Edinburgh, Kastil Leeds, Kastil Alnwick, Kastil Cardiff, Kastil Bodiam, Kastil Stirling, Kastil Caernarfon, Kastil Warwick, Kastil Bamburgh dll.

Edited translation version

Desain Bangunan di Inggris

Desain bangunan di Inggris yang unik dengan gaya dan bentuknya sendiri. Struktur desain bangunan mereka menggambarkan ciri spesifik dari periode sejarah yang berbeda, dari abad ke-5 menaklukkan Romawi, sepanjang abad kegelapan dan Renaisans yang dampaknya masih ada dalam warisan arsitektur Inggris.

Ada istana, monumen, dan bangunan arsitektur lainnya di seluruh negeri dan banyak dari mereka yang saat ini berubah menjadi tempat untuk berwisata. Objek-objek ini menggabungkan perpaduan sempurna dengan model terbaru dangan menggunakan desain bagunan yang modern.

Sepanjang abad keenam, terdapat banyak gereja Anglo-Saxon yang dibangun di Inggris. Dengan invasi Normandia, ada sejumlah istana besar yang bergaya Norman selama abad ke-11. Terdapat juga istana Carrickfergus yang dibangun pada abad ke-12 di pesisir Belfast Lough. Di ibukota Inggris, London ada bangunan Romawi pertama di Inggris, Westminster Abbey.

Antara abad ke-12 dan 16, sudah waktunya gaya Gothic untuk membuat dampaknya pada desain bagunan Inggris. Meskipun awalnya meniru dari Perancis, katedral Gothic Inggris mengembangkan fitur unik mereka. Sebagai contoh, ada Katedral Canterbury, dibangun pada 1174, diikuti oleh Wells Cathedral dan Lincoln Cathedral.

Pada kedua sisi perbatasan Anglo-Skotlandia, masih terdapat sejumlah istana batu yang tersisa dari Perang Kemerdekaan Skotlandia selama abad ke-14. Banyak teknik penemuan dibuat kemudian pada Renaissance menyebabkan munculnya banyak gaya bangunan yang berseni baru.

Istana-istana tua juga memiliki bagian warisan pada desain bagunan di Inggris. Di antara banyak dari mereka, beberapa yang paling indah dan paling banyak dikunjungi oleh wisatawan adalah Windsor Castle, Edinburgh Castle, Leeds Castle, Alnwick Castle, Cardiff Castle, Bodiam Castle, Stirling Castle, Caernarfon Castle, Warwick Castle, Bamburgh Castle dll.

Why the writer using UK not England or Great Britain?
The UK is short for The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. That’s why it is made up of four countries; England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Selasa, 29 Januari 2019

Tugas Pembelajar Bahasa Inggris Berbantuan Komputer 4

Choose the incorrect answer, then give the right answer and the reason!


1.      The Kodak was the first camera designedspecifically for both mass production or
                              A                        B                            C                                                  D
amateur use.
The Answer : D
The Correct One :  and
Reason : because ‘both’ is used to refer two things together.

2.      Coral reefs are limestone formations composed of tiny sea organisms and the remains.
        A                             B                                                     C                           D
The Answer : B
The Correct One :  limestone formation
Reason : because the information only contain of one information that is limestone, which is not plural.

3.      Most slugs and snails breathe using a lung which opens through a small hole
    A                                  B                                                               
In the sideof its bodies.
        C                  D
The Answer : D
The Correct One :  their bodies
Reason : because it refer to the snails and slugs body so it should use plural pronoun ‘their’.

4.      Frogs get much of their oxygen  by means blood capillaries in the surface
A                                   B                                      C
Of the skin
The Answer : C
The Correct One :  on the surface
Reason : because ‘on’ is the preposition of place that is used to refer to a surface.

5.      The brain is made up of100 millions of neurons  that differ fromeach other greatly
A                         B                             C                                           
In size and shape
The Answer : B
The Correct One :  100 million neurons
Reason : because the preposition of is not needed.

6.      During the 1700s, Philadelphia developed into the most wealthy city in the
     A                                                    B                           C
American colonies
The Answer : C
The Correct One :  wealthiest
Reason : because two-syllable adjectives, ending in-y, are made into superlatives by using ‘-iest’ all other two-syllable adjectives use ‘most’.

7.      Octopuses have not only large brains and also a well-developed nervoussystem
       A                                                   B          C           D
The Answer : B
The Correct One : but
Reason : because ‘not only’ in pairs with ‘but also’ not ‘and also’.

8.      Science is the process of gathering knowledge and answering questions about the
   A                              B                                                         C
world and how works it.
The Answer : B
The Correct One :  gathered
Reason : because it is as a verb using gathered in conjunction with knowledge seems more suitable to collect normally separate things.

9.      The development of voice recognition will enable the computer to respond to
A                         B                                         C
commands spoken.
The Answer : D
The Correct One :  command spoken
Reason : because it refer to the voice recognition, so it should use singular noun ‘command’.

10.  Nails act as a hard base for the sensitive skin of the fingertips and toe tips to press
             A                             B           
against , so they may help our sensitivelyto touch.
                                                         C                        D
The Answer : C
The Correct One :  sensitivity
Reason : because it refers to human’s part body, fingertips and toe tips.

Sabtu, 22 Desember 2018

Tugas Pembelajar Bahasa Inggris Berbantuan Komputer 3

Soal A

3.         Waterboilat  212 degrees F, and freezes at 32 degrees F.
A       B    C                                      D

            The wrong answer is : B. boil
Reason: It should be “boils”, because the sentence “water boils at 212 degrees F” is a general truth of simple present. And the verb should be added by (s/es). Because simple present is used for general truth or habitual action. So, the right answer is “boils”.

Soal B

2.         Most slugs and snails breathe using a lung which opens through a small hole
    A                                   B
in the sideof its bodies.
     C                  D

            The wrong answer is : D. bodies
Reason : It should be “body”, because at the beginning word is singular. So the next word must be followed by singular as the same form.

Soal C

6.         The sooneryou leave,  the earliestyou will  arrive at your destination.
              A             B               C             D

            The wrong answer is : C. the earliest
Reason : It should be “the earlier”, because it should be in the same form as “the sooner”.

Selasa, 27 November 2018

Tugas Pembelajar Bahasa Inggris Berbantuan Komputer 2


1.      Zoos in New Orleans, San Diego, Detroit, and the Bronx have become biological
parks where animals roams free and people watch from across a moat.
B                           C                                 D

The Answer : C
The Correct One : roams free must be “roam free”
Reason : because the subject ‘animals’ is plural, so the verb without ‘-s’

2.      George has not completed the assignmentyet,  and Maria hasn’t neither
A                                 B             C                             D

The Answer : D
The Correct One : hasn’t neither must be “ has not either”
Reason : because it is negative agreement

3.      Hanny enjoyed to beable to meetseveral Congress members during her vacation.
          A           B               C                                                        D
The Answer : A
The Correct One : it should be “being”

Reason : because after the word enjoy it should be followed by gerund which is verb 1 + -ing.

4.      No one would have attended the lecture if you toldthe truth about
      A                                       B         C
the guest speaker.

The Answer : B
The Correct One : it should be “had told”

Reason : because the sentence is a conditional sentence type 3

5.      Marie has registered for both the afternoon anthropology class as well as
             A                                                                                      B
theevening sociology lecture.
C               D

The Answer : B
The Correct One : it should be “and”

Reason : because as well as means in addition to therefore the subject should not be compound (both).

6.      Compact discs areaffected neither by scratching and by dust.
       A       B                   C                    D
The Answer : D
The Correct One : and must be “nor”

Reason : because ‘netheir...nor’ is correlative conjunction

7.      Plastics used to make textiles can be drawn into fine threads, then woven or knit
    A                         B                     C          D
into fabrics.

The Answer : D
The Correct One : knit must be”knitted”

Reason : because must be parallel with the verb before

8.      Henry David Thoreau stressed the importance in individuality and of living
A                                                         B
in harmonywith nature.
         C                  D

The Answer : B
The Correct One : of living must be “living”

Reason : because must be parallel with the word before

9.      The coach was depending for his team to win the game so that they would have a
    A                             B                       C
chance to play in the Super Bowl.

The Answer : A
The Correct One : depending for must be “depending on”

Reason : because the verb “depend” should be followed by the preposition “on”.

10.  According to Freud, mental life is characterized by internal conflicts who are largely
            A                                                         B                                             C               D

The Answer : C
The Correct One : The more suitable is “that” or “which”.
Reason : because the subject is inanimate noun

Senin, 12 November 2018

Tugas Pembelajar Bahasa Inggris Berbantuan Komputer 1


1.      Dinosaurs are classified as reptiles, although some appear to have been warms-blooded
     A                                     B                               C                                         D

The Answer : B
The Correct One : as reptile
Reason : because the word ‘dinosaurs’ already explained it so many.

2.      Every fuel has theirown particular temperatureat whichit begins to burn.
                      A                       B                                 C         D

The Answer : A
The Correct One : has its
Reason : the word ‘their’ is plural noun. But the sentence must be used singular noun.

3.       The hormone insulin controls by the amount of sugarin the blood which
                                            A                         B                     C
provides energy  for the body.

The Answer : A
The Correct One : is controlled
Reason : the word ‘control’ must be used verb 2.

4.      Pelican Island in Florida and Oregon Islands in Oregon are wildlife refugees.
            A                 B                         C                                             D

The Answer : C
The Correct One : Oregon Island
Reason : the word ‘island’ not use ‘s’, because the word no explained how much.

5.      When the island of Surtsey was eighteen months old a firstleafy green plant appeared
                 A                B                                                  C                D

The Answer : C
The Correct One : the first
Reason : because before the word ‘a’ not use to be.

6.      Octopuses have not only large brains and also awell developed nervous system.
         A                                                B          C           D

The Answer : B
The Correct One : Octopuses have not only large brains but also a well developed nervous system.
Reason : because “not only” in pairs with “but also” not “and also”.

7.      Symptoms of mild vitamin C deficiency may be weakness, irritability, losing weight,
                                                                                    A               B                  C
and apathy.

The Answer : C
The Correct One : Symptoms of mild vitamin C deficiency may be weakness, irritability, weight loss, and apathy.
Reason : because it is not parallel with the other items in the series : losing is a gerund whereas the other items are nouns.

8.      Around 1750, electricityexperiments became populartity as entertainment at the court
                              A               B                                 C                    D
of the French King Louis XV.

The Answer : C
The Correct One : Around 1750, electricity experiments became popular as entertainment at the court of the French King Louis XV.
Reason : Because popularity is a noun word, which should have started with a, the, some, any, a lot of, many.

9.      In 1780, Italian scientist Luigi Galvani mistaken concluded that frogs’ legs contain
                               A                                   B                                                      C

The Answer : B
The Correct One : In 1780, Italian scientist Luigi Galvani was mistaken concluded that frogs’ legs contain electricity.
Reason : Because this is a passive voice sentence, the "mistaken" must start with the auxiliary verb.

10.  Electricity produced by nature is called static electricity because it exerts a forceful
                                          A                      B                                                        C
When it is stationary

The Answer : C
The Correct One : Electricity produced by nature is called static electricity because it exerts a force When it is stationary.
Reason : The noun force, not the adjective forceful, is needed in this