Senin, 12 November 2018

Tugas Pembelajar Bahasa Inggris Berbantuan Komputer 1


1.      Dinosaurs are classified as reptiles, although some appear to have been warms-blooded
     A                                     B                               C                                         D

The Answer : B
The Correct One : as reptile
Reason : because the word ‘dinosaurs’ already explained it so many.

2.      Every fuel has theirown particular temperatureat whichit begins to burn.
                      A                       B                                 C         D

The Answer : A
The Correct One : has its
Reason : the word ‘their’ is plural noun. But the sentence must be used singular noun.

3.       The hormone insulin controls by the amount of sugarin the blood which
                                            A                         B                     C
provides energy  for the body.

The Answer : A
The Correct One : is controlled
Reason : the word ‘control’ must be used verb 2.

4.      Pelican Island in Florida and Oregon Islands in Oregon are wildlife refugees.
            A                 B                         C                                             D

The Answer : C
The Correct One : Oregon Island
Reason : the word ‘island’ not use ‘s’, because the word no explained how much.

5.      When the island of Surtsey was eighteen months old a firstleafy green plant appeared
                 A                B                                                  C                D

The Answer : C
The Correct One : the first
Reason : because before the word ‘a’ not use to be.

6.      Octopuses have not only large brains and also awell developed nervous system.
         A                                                B          C           D

The Answer : B
The Correct One : Octopuses have not only large brains but also a well developed nervous system.
Reason : because “not only” in pairs with “but also” not “and also”.

7.      Symptoms of mild vitamin C deficiency may be weakness, irritability, losing weight,
                                                                                    A               B                  C
and apathy.

The Answer : C
The Correct One : Symptoms of mild vitamin C deficiency may be weakness, irritability, weight loss, and apathy.
Reason : because it is not parallel with the other items in the series : losing is a gerund whereas the other items are nouns.

8.      Around 1750, electricityexperiments became populartity as entertainment at the court
                              A               B                                 C                    D
of the French King Louis XV.

The Answer : C
The Correct One : Around 1750, electricity experiments became popular as entertainment at the court of the French King Louis XV.
Reason : Because popularity is a noun word, which should have started with a, the, some, any, a lot of, many.

9.      In 1780, Italian scientist Luigi Galvani mistaken concluded that frogs’ legs contain
                               A                                   B                                                      C

The Answer : B
The Correct One : In 1780, Italian scientist Luigi Galvani was mistaken concluded that frogs’ legs contain electricity.
Reason : Because this is a passive voice sentence, the "mistaken" must start with the auxiliary verb.

10.  Electricity produced by nature is called static electricity because it exerts a forceful
                                          A                      B                                                        C
When it is stationary

The Answer : C
The Correct One : Electricity produced by nature is called static electricity because it exerts a force When it is stationary.
Reason : The noun force, not the adjective forceful, is needed in this

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