Selasa, 27 Desember 2016

Pemuda yang Berilmu, Berkarakter dan Beradab

Apa saja peran pemuda yang berilmu, berkarakter dan beradab dalam berkontribusi terhadap orang banyak?

Pemuda memiliki peranan penting sebagai penerus dan masa depan sebuah bangsa, bangsa yang maju akan jauh lebih maju bila mempunyai pemuda yang berkualitas dengan didukung moral dan karakter yang kuat. Pemuda yang memiliki daya sosial yang tinggi inilah yang akan menjadi penentu sebuah kemajuan bangsa. Sehingga terciptalah Pemuda berilmu, berkarakter dan beradab yang penuh dengan tanggung jawab untuk berperan aktif dalam segala aspek positif sehingga menjadi cerminan baik bagi yang lain dan bisa membawa kedalam kehidupan masyarakat dan Negara. Sebaliknya, kurangnya kontribusi pemuda dalam mengambillangkah yang lebih baik terhadap masyarakat dan Negara, menimbulkan ketidak tahuan dalam bersosialisasi dan menurunnya tingkat moralitas yang rendah.

Maka tidaklah heran, pemuda generasi sekarang sangat berbeda dengan generasi terdahulu yang sangat jauh dari kata berkualitas, bersosialisasi, berpikir dan cara mengambil tindakkan, padahal mereka memiliki potensi yang cukup besar untuk mengembangkan kreatifitas dengan kegigihan dan kerja keras. Berbeda dengan pemuda generasi dahulu, yang lebih berpikir secara rasional, bersifat nasionalisme dan jauh ke depan demi kepentingan bangsa yang berjuang melawan penjajahan untuk merebut kemerdekaan dengan rela mengorbankan harta, dan bahkan mempertaruhkan jiwa dan raga untuk kepentingan bersama. Begitu kompaknya pemuda Indonesia pada waktu itu. Sedangkan pemuda sekarang sudah mulai menurun hal tersebut di pengaruhi oleh globalisasi yang penuh dengan gaya hidup, sehingga peran pemuda dalam sosialisasi bermasyarakat sungguh menurun drastis. Pemuda pada masa sekarang lebih suka dengan kesenangan serta masih terkesan acuh tak acuh terhadap masalah-masalah sosial di lingkungannya. Kini semakin cepatnya perkembangan zaman dan kecanggihan teknologi membuat para pemuda sekarang lebih suka peranan di dunia maya ketimbang di dunia nyata dan berkurangnya rasa sosialisasi dimasyarakat yang dapat berdampak pada perubahan berbagai aspek kehidupan, termasuk terhadap karakter generasi muda. Sehinga kita selaku pemuda dituntut aktif dan kreatif dalam berkontribusi terhadap kegiatan masyarakat karena kehadiran pemuda sangat dinantikan untuk menyokong perubahan dan pembaharuan bagi masyarakat dan Negara. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkannya pemuda yang memiliki nilai moral yang tinggi, berilmu dan beradab dalam membentuk bangsa yang berkualitas, bahkan karakter yang unggul sangatlah perlu ditanamkan dalam diri para generasi muda, sebab karakter merupakan cerminan dari budaya sebuah bangsa.

Dengan demikian peran penting kita sebagai generasi penerus bangsa adalah berperan aktif dalam masyarakat dan Negara, guna terciptanya generasi yang unggul, kreatif dan berakhlak mulia. Sehingga mampu bersaing, beretika, bermoral, sopan dan santun dalam bermasyarakat dan bernegara. Karena kesadaran dan usahalah yang akan membawa perubahan yang lebih baik untuk nusa dan bangsa.

Rabu, 26 Oktober 2016

The Culture of South Korea

The Culture of South Korea

There is no doubt that South Korea became one of the most dynamic countries, by it’s economy, politic, traditions and culture. But Korean’s didn’t stopped here; they targeted excellence in everything even in sports, technology and others. So many great actress emerged from such a small country so quickly.

The Korean peninsula is located in Northeast Asia. It is surrounded by the ocean on three sides, making it a unique geographical location. With Seoul as its capital city, the landsite is roughly 1,030 km (612 miles) long and 175 km (105 miles) wide at its narrowest point. Korea's total land area is 100,033 square km, neighboring Japan to the east, China to the west, and sharing a northern border with Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea).

South Korea Population

The most population of Korea residing in the Seoul metropolitan area. Outside of Seoul, other large and economically advanced cities such as Busan, Incheon, Daegu, Daejeon, Gwangju and Ulsan also have higher population densities than other cities in Korea.


Actually, Korea has no national religion. Freedom of religion is constitutionally guaeanteed in South Korea. Christianity is relatively new in Korea. Confucianism is still very much in evidence in Korea daily life and family relationship. Buddhism still remains influential even among people who may be nominally Christian.

Korea's Traditional Costume

Hanbok is the traditional attire of the Korean people. Worn daily up until just 100 years ago, these days it is only worn on festive occasions or special anniversaries. It is a formal dress and most Koreans keep a hanbok for special times in their life. While the traditional hanbok was beautiful in its own right, the design has changed slowly but surely over the generations. The core of hanbok is its graceful shape and vibrant colors, which have had a major impact on the modern fashion industry. It is hard to think of hanbok as everyday wear but it is slowly being revolutionized through the changing of fabrics, colors and features, reflecting the public's desires. Many aspiring hanbok designers have altered hanbok for everyday wear with traditional elements at the basis of the garment but having a distinct modern feel.

Traditional Korean Foods

Hansik refers to traditional Korean food, centered around rice, served alongside a bowl of soup and a variety of side dishes. Most foods use meat and vegetables as the main ingredients, and are soaked in a brine or water rather than fried in oil, making hansik wonderful for ones health. More than anything else, hansik’s most outstanding feature is the amount of fermented foods, which are beneficial in improving digestion, as well as preventing cancer. The most well-known fermented foods are kimchi (fermented cabbage), ganjang (soy sauce), doenjang (soybean paste), andgochujang (Korean chili paste). Popular dishes among international eaters include bulgogibibimbap, and royal cuisine. Bulgogi is a marinated beef or sometimes pork dish that is sweet and tender in texture. In particular, the soy sauce seasoning is not spicy, thus making it a great introduction dish to hansik. Bibimbap, on the other hand, is a complete meal in and of itself, mixing rice with all kinds of condiments of one's choice, topped with gochujang for that extra kick. Royal cuisine is a full course meal, including at least 12 different sides and desserts in addition to soups, steamed foods, and hot pots. Because royal food was originally served to the kings and queens, it is the ultimate in Korean culinary arts.

Traditional Korean Houses
Hanok refers to houses built in the traditional Korean style. While tile-roofed and thatch-roofed hanoks were equally common, the former are typically be noblemen residences while the latter were mostly houses of the commoners’ in the past.  These days, most people who are still living in such traditional tile-roofed hanok have modern facilities installed within.

 There are two main charms to hanoks. The first is the unique heating system of 'ondol.' A layer of stone is laid down above the flooring and when heated, the heat spreads up into every room throughout the house, keeping both the floor and the air surprisingly warm in winter. Hanok houses are environmentally-friendly. The materials needed to build a hanok house are free from chemicals, making it a good healthy environment. The columns, rafters, doors, windows, and floor are wooden, while the walls are a mixture of straw and dirt. The paper to cover the frames of doors and windows were made from tree pulp. As the building materials used are all natural, hanok houses have excellent breathability, perfect for escaping the summer heat. It is also said to help in the treatment of atopic dermatitis and other modern skin diseases. 

Korean Traditional Festivals

Korean traditional festivals are largely based on its agricultural rituals and myths. "Seollal, New Year's Day" and "Chuseok, Harvest Festival" are regarded as the biggest festivals.

Seollal (설날) is one of the biggest holidays in Korea along with Chuseok (also known as the Korean Thanksgiving day). Seollal is the New Year’s Day in lunar calendar. The word seollal means implying newness of a new coming year. It is unknown when Koreans began celebrating Seollal, but rituals of the festival are estimated to go back to the 6th century. On Seollal, Koreans demonstrate their respect to parents and elders in the family, as well as deceased ancestors through Sebae and Charye. Also, elders give money or present to a person who did Sebae in return of showing their respect. Koreans almost always wear Hanbok (traditional clothing) on this day and eat Tteokguk (traditional soup made of rice cake) and Yakwa in addition to playing a traditional game if passing of Seollal, Koreans add one year to their ages.

Chuseok, the Korean thanks giving is one of the greatest traditional festivals. On Chuseok, which takes place on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month under a full moon, people enjoy traditional games such as dancing, tug of war, and Ssireum (Korean wrestling match). People also perform traditional rituals such as Charye in respect and remembrance of their ancestors. As part of the ritual, people take care of the ancestral grave sites by mowing the grass and cutting off the weeds. People enjoy a variety of traditional foods and dishes like Songpyeon (Traditional rice cake made with the grains), Torantang(Taro soup) and liquor made of newly harvested fruits and vegetables. It is one of the most richest and festive festivals of the year.

Tourism at Night

However the most reason is because Korea have an interesting blend of traditional and modern attractions. Korea has many night time activities to offer, as even after midnight, throngs of people wander the streets in major shopping districts and popular downtown areas. While Seoul is considered to be the most representative city in the nation for its nightlife, one may also find stores or restaurants that open throughout the night in most other cities.


Senin, 30 Mei 2016

Tidung Island is Very Recommended for Tourism

Tidung island is very recommended place. Just takes about 2 or 3 hours away from the Muara Angke port Jakarta, it's not far and not expensive to go. The island consists of 2 parts, the main island called “Tidung Besar” and the small island called “Tidung Kecil”. Now both of these islands are connected by a wooden bridge that is very beautiful. The bridge called "Jembatan Cinta" or bridge of love. Overall the island is very wonderful place and recommend to go, you can see the enchanting sea panorama with blue sea water, beautiful coral reefs, and enjoy the sunset with a low cost.

Here you can enjoy the journey without worried, because the costs are cheaper:

Cheap transportation
Tidung Island is easily reached by ferry from the Muara Angke harbour in Jakarta, it takes about 2 or 3 hours. There is only one ferry a day leaving at around 7:00 am. So make sure you don’t miss the boat. The boat fare is about Rp. 33.000 per person.

Cheap home stay
To stay on the Tidung island, there are available home stay from the house that can be rented. The condition is cozy and fairly clean with the facilities ranging from two beds, refrigerators, television, and bathroom. The price range Rp. 300.000 until Rp. 700.000. You can negotiate to get a reasonable price. Alternatively you can go camping at the beach. There aren't any top-class hotels or resorts at Tidung island. And you can eat local food at the many stalls for about Rp. 10,000 per meal.

There are many things you can do on the Tidung island, among others:

You can walk over the Bridge of Love, from the bridge you can see the coral reefs and fish below the surface, small fish that live close to the side of the wooden bridge. Bridge of Love is a great place to see sunrise and sunset too and if you want to test your courage, you can jump the 10 meters from the bridge into the sea.

Only Rp. 15000 per day you can already cycle around the island of Great Tidung. It's beautiful and quiet since there are no cars allowed on the island. The atmosphere on the Tidung island is very different from the urban Jakarta. Here are just people's homes with plants in front and trees shadowing over the small roads.

Dont worry if you dont have or not to bring snorkeling equipment because you can rent it for only Rp. 35.000. The water is clear, abling you to see a variety of creatures and coral reefs. You can hire a boat to get to some of the more remote, beautiful underwater spots.

You can playing games water like banana boat and canoe, because the sea in front of the beaches is shallow and the water is clean, the beaches around the Tidung island are safe for children.

Tips :
Don't visit this place during long weekend or national holiday, the island packed with local visitor mostly. The water not really clear, sometimes you can see floating trash in the middle of the sea. Only thing I liked when visit this island is the breeze. Dolphin can also be seen if you lucky.

Sabtu, 30 April 2016

The Important and Challenge of Tidung Island

Tidung island is one of the islands in thousand island district, north part of Jakarta. There is so many good stories about this island, how clear the water and how affordable to go there. This island consists of 2 parts, the main island called “Tidung Besar” (big one) and the small island called “Tidung Kecil”. Now both of these islands are connected by a wooden bridge that is very beautiful.

The important tourism in Indonesia
I think Tidung island is very important for tourism in Indonesia, because there is wonderful place to go. Tidung island has only 200 meters wide, with a length of about 5 km, and surrounded by shallow beach overgrown with coral and white shades that look beautifully. Tidung Island is a unique place, especially for marine tourism and diving. The coral reef ecosystems in this island is still natural and good enough, especially when snorkeling or diving activities in the edge area. The research activities are also often done in this area. This beach does not have big waves because the cluster of corals and coral reefs around the beach are able to withstand the waves, it is safe enough for swimming and also the island is very comfortable to be used as place of recreation for the people who want to enjoy the atmosphere of the island with a low cost. And also there is a place the Bridge of Love you can go. Actually, the love bridge is a bridge that connects Big Tidung and Small Tidung. Enjoy a walk along this bridge is an interesting experience. You can watch the enchanting sea panorama with blue sea water, beautiful coral reefs, up to watch the sunset. Clear ocean water and white sand beach, is very beautiful to be enjoyed. Enchantment of the sun in the morning and evening is the beautiful scenery every day. So do not be surprised if the backpacker call this island as a new paradise for lovers of community tourism.

The difficult challenge for tourism in Indonesia
I think the accommondation it’s hard enough, first you can use by train to Jakarta Kota Station at early morning. After that you can continued by public transport and then you should arrive Muara Angke at 6.30am. From the port in Muara Angke, you should take the boat quickly, because the boat only pick up passengers in the morning . So don’t get left the boat or you will get regret. It’s need 3 hours the boats going to the Tidung Islands and could hardly be described as the last word in boat building technology. Ours was pretty much a typical Indonesian wooden vessel, with a roof so low that only midgets or children under the age of 7 could actually get onboard without having to bend. Power was provided by a small Honda engine strapped on at the stern. And so, with the boat only about three times overcapacity, hope it don’t sink. All was well for an hour or so, but midway between Jakarta and the island, the seas started to get a bit choppy and, in no time at all, there were no more smiley faces, and pretty much everyone was puking their guts out as the Sunda Straits churned our stomachs over and over in a torturous ride of passage. It was an exhausting trip with challenge but I’m sure, you will get enjoyment when you arrived the island.

Jumat, 25 Maret 2016


South Korea As My Favourite Tourism Destination

South Korea is a country that I want to visit because, since a high school maybe in 2010 I've been liked all about Korea ranging from Korean cultures, Korean language, Korean dramas also Korean pop stars. Well, because of that I was trying to learn Korean language by myshelf. In 2013 I met a girl in a chatting application. Honestly she is more older than me, I take her as a sister and best friend. Usually we’re talking about our daily conversations also we like to share information about our cultures. Having Korean best friend can make it easier when travel to South Korea. Therefore, I would like to visit South Korea because, Korean have a lot of amazing tourism destination in the world.

Don’t forget to knowing the best times to visit South Korea. Because, South Korea has four distinct seasons like Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. The most popular times to visit Seoul are during the Spring (March-May) and Fall (Mid-September-Early November) months when the weather is ideal and the landscape is at its most striking. Both seasons are characterized by a dramatic change in color Spring for its cherry blossom pinks and whites, and autumn for its fiery reds, oranges, and yellows. Either season would be the perfect time to visit.

This is a list of my plans when I am in South Korea:
Ø     Watch the Changing of the Guard at Changdeokgung and Gyeongbokgung Palaces
Seoul has five Joseon royal palaces and these two are the ones. Each arguably the most beautiful, Gyeongbokgung is the primary palace while Chandeokgung is a UNESCO Heritage Site and home to Huwon or the “Secret Garden”. So, I want to watch the changing of the guard as well.
Ø    Get Lost in a Maze of Traditional Houses at Bukchon Hanok Village
As ultramodern as Seoul can be, it was nice to find a place like this right in the heart of the city. A maze of narrow alleyways and traditional Korean houses called hanoks,BukchonHanok Village will take back in time and introduce you to a 600-yr old Seoul.
Ø    Lock of the Lock of Love and Climb to the Top of N Seoul Tower
When it comes to great views, this place towers over the competition. Standing 480 meters above sea level, N Seoul Tower is the best place to get bird’s eye views of the city. It’s also the only place where we can “lock our love” for all eternity. And this place is popular among couples.
Ø    Visit Entertainment Buildings
Seoul is where all the major K-pop record labels and entertainment buildings are located. Maybe I might be lucky enough to see my favorite K-pop idol in front of their entertainment building like in SM Entertainment, JYP Entertainment, YG Entertainment, Big Hit Entertainment, Cube Entertainment and other labels.
Ø    Shop and Eat like there’s No Tomorrow in Insadong, Myeongdong, and Hongdae
Seoul is a shopaholic’s paradise. There are many shopping districts in the city but Insadong, Myeongdong, and Hongdae are three that I can’t miss. They each have their own unique personality. Insadong is known for its artsy-craftsy items, Myeongdong for its brand names and cosmetics, and Hongdae for its hip, college town vibe. All have great street food.
Ø    Visit Seoul Central Mosque in Itaewon
Seoul Central Mosque is Korea’s first and Seoul’s only mosque or masjid. It is located at the top of a hill above the busy neighborhood of Itaewon. Many residents visit on weekends to learn about Islam. Lectures can be heard in Korean, English, and Arabic.
Ø    Eating Some delicious food at Korean Street
Korean street food is part of the adventure when traveling in Korea.Most of foods sold in the city centere of the roadside, they usually sell  throught the night.
Ø    Seeing Han river at Night
The Han River is one of the most best ways to enjoy the scenery around Han river that flows through Seoul. Cool wind from the river, the surrounding scenery, which get more beautiful in the evenings, are the rewards the ferry cruise can offer us.
Ø    See the Future of Design at Dongdaemun Design Plaza (DDP)
This place is awesome design, it’s like a museum, design supermarket, space ship all rolled into one and be sure to come back at night when the building really comes to life.
Ø    Went Around in Jeju Island and Nami Island to Visit their Tourist Destinations
Jeju and Nami island there are have good islands in South Korea with beautiful places and many couples and families come to visit. Popular destinations in Jeju island is Cheonjiyeon Waterfall, Seongsup Folk Village,Hallamountain, SeongsanIlchulbong, and Trick Art Museum.Namiisland also popular because of Winter Sonata drama.
Ø    Climb Hwaseong Fortress Wall in Suwon
Located about an hour south of Seoul, Suwon Hwaseong Fortress is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a great day trip. A good place to do some light hiking, the fortress has a pretty interesting background story too.