Minggu, 29 Oktober 2017

Popular Tourist Attraction

1.      Winter Sonata
Location : Nami Island, South Korea

Picture in the movie :

Picture in real :

How it happens :

Nami Island suddenly became popular was the success by filming ‘Winter Sonata’ in December, 2001. Since then, Nami Island was a domestic family destination, has been transformed into a tourist attraction for the world as a popular tourist attraction. Nami Island is renowned as a clean tourist destination with contents of environment, and the forest is well established. Especially, it is a good place to go on a picnic with the trademark Metasequoia road. This Metasequoia road has emerged as the main background of the Winter Sonata and attracts foreign tourists by attracting Japanese “Korean Wave” fans as storms. In addition, the Winter Sonata has been hit all over Asia, and tourists from around the world.

2.      Avatar
Location : Avatar Hallelujah Mountain, China.

Picture in the movie :

Picture in real :

How it happens :

One of these pillars was named the “Southern Sky Column, ”and it stretched 3,544 feet into the air, the length of 78 school buses. In a strange turn of art imitating life imitating art, in 2010 the name was changed to “Avatar Hallelujah Mountain” after the highest-grossing film of all time, Avatar, used photographs of the pinnacle as inspiration for the floating Hallelujah Mountains of Pandora. This was part of a successful attempt to bring more tourists into the national park, using phrases like “Pandora is far but Zhangjiajie is near” and “discover the real world of Pandora.”

3.      My Love from the Star
Location : Petite France, South Korea.

Picture in the movie :

Picture in real :

How it happens :

Petite France became popular because of My Love From Another Star, Do Min Joon turned on lights of the Petite France by his supernatural power, and told his love towards Cheon Song Yi. The concept of Petite France encapsulates ‘flowers, stars, and the Little Prince.’ The village contains a memorial hall dedicated to Saint-Exupery, the author of the celebrated French novel, Le Petit Prince (1943) and as such it is called the Little Prince theme park. It also has a gallery displaying sculptures and paintings of le coq gaulois (the Gallic rooster), the national symbol of France; Orgel House where a 200-year-old music box plays a sweet melody; a shop that sells herbal and aromatic products; a souvenir shop; and many other locales where you can experience French culture. The village can accommodate up to 200 visitors with 34 guest rooms that hold four to ten people each.

To provide the romantic date in the drama to tourists, Petite France has expended their operating time to 8p.m for the first time. They help people appreciate stars in night sky by turning all the lights in Petite Prance every 6:55 p.m. And then, one hundred lights which has recently installed make a different mood by turning on at once on 7 p.m.

Sources :
Images are taken from Google.

Jumat, 20 Oktober 2017

Promoting Tourist Attraction Using Movies

1.      The Karate Kid
Location Great Wall of China, China.
Picture in the movie :

Picture in real :

2.      Slumdog Millionaire
Location : Taj Mahal, India.
Picture in the movie :

Picture in real :

3.      James Bond
Location : Venice, Italy.
Picture in the movie :

Picture in real :

4.      Boys Over Flowers
Location : Namsan Seoul Tower, South Korea.
Picture in the movie :

Picture in real :

5.      99 Cahaya di Langit Eropa
Location : Eiffel Tower, France.
Picture in the movie :

Picture in real :

Source : Images are taken from Google.

Senin, 16 Oktober 2017

How to Promote Tourist Attraction

Looking to attract some new visitors to your town or city? In our current digital age, getting tourists to pay attention to a specific place is more possible than ever. Developing a marketing plan and using tools social media and other promotional materials, can all help to promote tourism in your town or city.

PART 1 Creating a Marketing Plan

1.      Consider what makes your town or city unique. One way to do this is to make a list of all the activities and attractions currently available in the town. Often, tourist are interested in the things they can do and see in your town or city, more than the location of the town or city itself. They will search online for an activity first and then a location. For example: rock climbing Bend, Oregon, or fly fishing Missoula, Montana.
·         Focus on activities or attractions that are specific to your town. Even a small or strange attraction could attract visitors and bring attention to the town, from the world’s largest paper clip to a man made wave in a river. Ask yourself: What makes the town worth a special trip? What do you have that a tourist can’t get or do somewhere else?
·         Work with a tourism planning committee and narrow your focus on the top three things your town has to offer. The more specific, rather than generic, you can be, the more likely your town will be of interest to tourists.

2.      Conduct a survey of the members of the community. A survey is a valuable tool during tourism planning as it helps you collect information on the town and ensures the community can agree on the branding and marketing for the town. Do face to face interviews or phone surveys. Ask questions such as:
·         What do you think attracts a visitor to the community?
·         What type of visitor do you see coming to our community?
·         How can we do to improve the visitor’s experience?

3.      Do a survey of visitors to the town. You can conduct face to face interviews at the local shopping mall. You can also ask visitors to sign up to a mailing list and email them a survey. Ask questions such as:
·         Where does the visitor live?
·         What attracted the visitor to the community?
·         How did the visitor find out about the tourist attractions?
·         What type of businesses or facilities did the visitor use?
·         What kinds of accommodations or services are needed?
·         A third party endorsement from previous visitors to the town or current visitors is a good way to determine how to better serve future tourists.

4.      Create a marketing plan. A good way to do this is to determine target marketing segments. Define market areas that will draw the most visitors, like a well known hiking trail, an important historical site, or a museum. Then, divide these areas into trip length categories, and define the clientele that will be attracted to the community. Create a chart broken into categories such as:
·         Geographic market areas, with a section for day trips, overnight trips, and extended visits.
·         Outdoor recreation activities, if any, such as camping, hiking, fishing, and picnicking.
·         Entertainment, such as historic sites, fairs or festivals, shopping, and dining.
·         Other travel purposes, such as business trips and family visits.

5.      Create a unique slogan. If you come up with a slogan, but its possible to remove your town’s name and plug in another town’s name, it is not a unique slogan. Avoid common buzzwords like “explore” “discover” “center of it all” “something for everyone” “best kept secret”, etc.
·         Think about successful slogans, like Las Vegas’ “What happens here, stays here”, New York’s “The City That Never Sleeps” or Calgary, Alberta’s “Heart of the New West”. They work because they are unique and avoid generic terms or phrases.

6.      Make an action plan. This will be a to do list to make the market plan a reality. It should include:
·         The overall recommendation from the tourism planning committee, including the proposed slogan and branding.
·         The budget of the marketing plan, including the costs of all promotional materials.
·         The source of the funds to put the marketing plan into action.
·         The responsible parties of putting the marketing plan into action.
·         A timeline for the completion and launch of the marketing plan.

PART 2 Using Promotional Materials and Local Media

1.      Create promotional materials. These can be promotional t-shirts, hats, stickers, and flags with the town slogan and branding. Go local and hire a local illustrator or designer to create the promotional materials.
·         Sell these promotional materials at local gift shops located close to popular attractions.

2.      Organize public radio spots and television ads. One of the best ways to promote the town is to create radio and television ads, focusing on the slogan for the town and the points discussed in the marketing plan.

3.      Make a tourist map. Another great way to promote the town is to create a detailed map for tourists and place them in local malls, restaurants, and bars.[8]
·         The map can include a brief description of key attractions and sites, as well as activities tourists can do at these locations.

4.      Do a promotional draw or contest. Get the attention of tourists by offering them a free incentive to explore the town. Create a scavenger hunt around the town and offer a prize to the winners. Offer a complimentary stay at a popular attraction to visitors who enter a draw or a survey about the town.

PART 3 Using Social Media and Other Online Tools

1.      Make a website and keep a blog. If your town or city doesn’t already have a website, make a website with a simple, easy to use template. Be sure to use high quality images and graphics on the site so it looks professional and inviting.
·         A good way to get more traffic to the website is to create a blog section on the site and make sure it is updated regularly. Conduct interviews with locals and post the interviews on the blog, or do a post on the best activities to do in the town based on the season.

2.      Create a Facebook page and post something every day. Creating a Facebook page is easier to do than building a website and allows you to make friends quickly. Posting a new image of the town or a few words about an upcoming event will also ensure your friends notice the page on their Newsfeeds.

3.      Make a Twitter and Instagram account. Promote the town on other social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram. Post regularly and follow users with lots of followers or a high profile.
·         You can also create a hashtag that uses the slogan for the town and use it often at the end of every tweet or Instagram post. This will help you track if the town is trending among users and improve your posts to get more attention on these platforms.

4.      Start a Youtube page. Youtube is another great way to promote your town and attract more tourists. Keep the page professional and use easy to search terms in the titles of the videos, such as the name of the town and the activity or event in the video.

5.      Use an app to promote events and attractions. Partner with a developer to create a smartphone app and promote local events through the app. The app can be programmed to showcase hotels, restaurants, shopping, and events, as well as other important tourism information like directions, the location of information centers and public restrooms, and suggested itineraries.


Selasa, 10 Oktober 2017

Passport and Visa

        When you are planning to go abroad for any purpose with your family, friends or even alone, you have to make sure that you have the passport and visa. So, in this blog I will explain about the differences between a passport and a visa, also the procedures to make a passport and a visa.

Definition of Passport

Passport is a legal document that one needs to travel foreign countries. It is issued by the government of a country, which authenticates the identity and nationality of the bearer. The passport holder is entitled to travel abroad under its protection, to and from other nations. However, in general, passport contains the basic there are name, photograph, signature, place, birthdate and physical characteristics. The validity period of a passport is ten years, after which it can be renewed.

Definition of Visa

Visa can be described as a temporary legal authorization, given by immigration officials of a country to a person belonging to another country, signifying that the person’s details are confirmed, and he or she is permitted to enter and stay in the country, for the stipulated period. There are various types of visas issued for various purposes, such as tourist visa, transit visa, student visa, business visa, visa for medical reasons, temporary worker visa, etc.

The differences between passport and visa are :

1.      Passport can be described as an official travel document that is issued by the government of a country to its nationals on the application, which allows them to travel internationally, by authenticating the identity and nationality of the bearer. On the other hand, visa implies a conditional authorization granted to the foreign national by the country’s representatives, that permits the bearer to visit and stay the country for the particular duration.

2.      Passport serves as a personal identification of the bearer, whereas visa amounts to an official permission, to travel or remain within the country.

3.      Passport can be in the form of a legal document, while the visa is affixed in the passport, like a stamp.

4.      The passport is an important document which is needed to identify a person when he or she travels the foreign country, and it is also required to reenter in the country from which he/she belongs. On the contrary, the visa is must to enter and stay in a foreign country.

5.      The government of a country from where a person belongs issues passport. Conversely, the representative officials country to which one wants to visit issues visa.

6.      There is a specific government department, in every country which issues passport. Unlike, the embassy or consulate of the country has the authority to issue a visa.

The procedures to make passport and visa

Ø  The procedure to make a passport in Indonesia

1.      For Indonesian citizens who are domiciled or located in the Territory of Indonesia, passport request submitted to the Head Office of Immigration;
2.      For Indonesian citizens who are domiciled outside the Territory Indonesian, passport request filed with the immigration officers who are appointed by Chief Representative of Republic Indonesia;
3.      Publishing of passport at the Immigration Office made through the stages:

a.       Applicant or who are authorized fill out the form in accordance with the columns specified. In the event that the application is submitted via the website, hereinafter referred to as pre-request, the applicant or who are authorized must fill out the electronic form and scan requirements.

b.      Furthermore, for a passport submitted to the Immigration Office counter officers by the applicant or who are authorized accompanied the requirements that have been determined. In case the application is submitted via the website, applicant or who are authorized must submit the evidence of pre-request.

c.       Counter officers verify the original requirements brought by the applicant or a the authorized and then scanning the document, check the results of the scan and check the list of preventive.

d.      Counter officers rejected the application and provide proof of rejection, if found to Biodata details of applicant same with a list of prevention.

e.       Counter officers give a receipt to applicant who has met the requirement and the name not listed in the list of prevention.

f.       On the appointed day, applicant towards the counter Treasurer receiver to make the payment process.

g.      Treasurer receiver after received the payment, enter the number of perforations passport and print as well as giving a receipt of payment to applicant.

h.      Furthermore, applicants awaiting the call to capture the faces and fingerprints corresponding queue number that is stated in the queue. Queue machine will call automatically and displays the queue number on the screen.

i.        Applicant must come on when taking pictures of faces and fingerprints. Immigration officers do capture pictures of faces and fingerprints of the applicant in accordance with the number of queues.

j.        After the process of capturing pictures and fingerprints, applicant waiting for a call again for the interview process.

k.      Applicant must come up with a showing of the original document as a requirement at the time of the interview process.

l.        Officer interviews conducted research on the completeness original requirements document, print applicant Biodata, and then applicant signed the result of printing and passport cover.

m.    Interviewing Officer may suspend the next process if the results of the research found suspicions about the identity and the identity of applicant for do further research and, if the results of advanced research proved a violation of the immigration application may be rejected.

n.      After the interview process is completed and otherwise comply with the requirements, applicant are welcome to back again for taking passport within the specified time, then file request forwarded to the officer of printing.

o.      Immigration officers do printing applicant biodata page, and pages of notes authorized / official notes and page validation / endorsements (if needed) and make laminated passport cover and then to test the quality of the printing and lamination. If found defective doing replacement of a cover passport without tariffs.

p.      Head of Division / Section Head the authorized put initialed in passport and then Head of Immigration Office signed the the passport, and return it to the Immigration Officer for do calibration stamp duty and scan the signature page Head Office.

q.      Counter Officer handed over the passport to applicant or who are authorized, and the applicant or who are authorized signed the receipts passport in the revenue column.

r.        The completion time for a passport maximum period of 4 (four) business days after the interview process.

s.       The completion time for a passport as mentioned above do not apply for a passport is damaged, missing or duplicated.

Ø  The procedure to make a visa

              If you are planning to visit a European country that is part of the Schengen Area for a period of less than 3 months, either as a tourist, student or on business, you will need visa. So, here is the steps to apply for schengen visa :

1.      Download the application. 
      The Schengen Visa application form is the same in every country. However, you should be able to download it from the government website of the country you are applying for the visa in. Therefore, if you plan to apply in France, you can download it from France's government website.

2.      Fill in the application.
      You will need basic biographical information, such as your name, your date of birth, your country of birth, and your current nationality. You will also need passport information, such as the type of passport, the passport number, and the date it was issued.
Ø  Next, you will provide information about your trip, such as how long you will be in each country, the type of visa you're applying for, and the reason you are going.
Ø  You also must give information about where you're staying, as well as information about how you're supporting yourself while there. Finally, you must identify your spouse and children, as well as identify any family members that you are visiting and are dependent on.

3.      Gather your documents.
      You will need documents such as your passport, proof of residency, and a passport photo. You'll also need documents about you trip, such as a copy of your flight schedule and proof that your health insurance will cover you throughout the Schengen area, as well as documents that show why you're visiting. You also need to verify your employment and provide pay stubs from the last 3 months.
Ø  For a business trip, you'll need to get the company that's hosting you to provide a letter, as well as your own company. Both should state why you're visiting on business, and at least one should say who's paying for your trip and provide the place you're staying.
Ø  For a fun trip, you need information such as your hotel reservations, which includes the proper contact information for that hotel. You should also provide info if you're going on a tour.
Ø  If you're visiting people, you may need a special form to verify that. For instance, in The Netherlands, the form is called the Proof of Private Accommodation or Sponsorship, which the host needs to have certified by the Dutch City Hall. The country will also need a copy of that person's passport or residence permit.

4.      Submit the application.
      Most countries require that you apply at their embassy or consulate in person in your host country. Most of the time, you will need to make an appointment before visiting. You can use either the foreign country's government website or your own country's government website to find the consulate nearest you.

5.      Give your fingerprints.
      You will be fingerprinted at the consulate's office if you haven't before for a Schengen Visa. If you have before, the consulate should be able to look it up.

6.      Pay the fee.
      The fee will vary both by the country you're from and the country you're applying to. The foreign country's website should have the current fees, or you can call the consulate before you arrive to find out the fee.