Minggu, 01 Oktober 2017

Task 1 : Types of Tourism

         Tourism as a concept has come a long way today, and the activity has been classified into various types (and still counting). With the development of new tourist infrastructure, and owing to the extreme competition in the sector, several new ideas of promoting tourism are coming up. The tourism sector today aims to cater to the needs and preferences of all types of tourists, and thus, seems to take into consideration specific areas of their interest.

Types of Tourism :

1.      Cultural Tourism

Also known as culture tourism, this kind of tourism involves the culture of a particular country or region. The concept of cultural tourism encompasses things, such as history of a given region, the lifestyle of people in a particular geographical locale, architecture, oral traditions, religions, festivals, cuisine, and so on. Activities of cultural tourism in the urban areas may involve visiting museums, theaters, art galleries, and so on; those in the rural areas may involve visiting indigenous cultural communities and having an insight into their traditions, lifestyle, and values.
Examples: Borobudur temple, Taj Mahal, The Louvre, Angkor Wat, etc.

2.      Adventure Tourism

Also known as adventure travel, this kind of tourism is becoming very famous amongst adventure seekers, who are always in the quest of something new to satisfy their adrenaline rush. Adventure tourism requires that a tourist has the heart to take risks and possesses special training and skills. Generally, adventure tourists indulge in difficult activities and extreme sports.
Examples: mountaineering, desert hiking, bungee jumping, scuba diving, paragliding, zip lining, rock climbing, etc.

3.      Religious Tourism

Often referred to as faith tourism, this is a type of tourism where people embark on long journeys, either individually or in groups, for the purpose of pilgrimage or for carrying out missionary activities. Numerous holy places around the world have been developed into thriving tourist centers, and each year, these receive an overwhelming influx of tourists. Places such as temples, churches, mosques, or landforms with religious significance are some of the most visited sites by the religious tourists, who claim to seek oneness with the God through such journeys.
Examples: Mecca, Varanasi,  Jerusalem, Rome, etc.

4.      Sports Tourism

Sports tourism as the name suggests, involves sport(s) and the excitement and enjoyment it offers, as its basis. It can be either active or passive in nature, which means that one can either travel to another place in order to participate in a sport, or just to watch it being played. So it is gained worldwide popularity today, and we see a large number of tours organized at times of major tournaments, which enable people to watch these games live in the stadiums. This niche of tourism generates a good amount of income each year.
Examples: cricket, football, baseball, tennis, cycling, etc.

5.      Culinary Tourism

Culinary tourism or food tourism involves tasting and experiencing the local and traditional food of a particular country, region, or city/town/village. It is worth noting that though food alongside accommodation and infrastructure is one of the key components of tourism, there are numerous tours organized just for the sake of experiencing the culinary culture.
Example: Eating at local restaurants, eating street food, cooking workshop, visiting food market, fairs, festivals, etc.

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