Minggu, 06 Mei 2018

Communication Skills for Business

While communication comes easily to people in many situations, in the workplace it's often a different story. Business settings require special considerations when it comes to communicating effectively, especially during times of conflict. If you feel like your communication skills aren't up to par, don't worry; with a little practice, positive communication skills can be learned.

1.      Listen
Listening may be the most important business communication skill. When employees feel that they’re being listened to, they feel respected and are more willing to share their feelings and opinions. When speaking with an co-worker, focus on what she is saying. Avoid thinking about what you’re going to say next, the meeting you have at noon or what’s going on in the break room. If a problem arises, ask the individual how she feels about it and give her time to speak. Respond without interrupting and demonstrate that you're listening by nodding, asking questions and showing concern. Simply saying "That sounds like a difficult situation" shows the individual that you've heard what she has said.

2.      Ask Questions
Asking questions is part of showing that you’re listening. During everyday conversations, asking questions shows that you’re interested in what your colleague is talking about. Asking co-workers questions about how a child’s soccer game was or how a project is going makes them feel that you care about them. In a tense situation, avoid starting questions with “Why” (such as “Why were you late?”) as it can make the individual feel that he is being punished. If a disciplinary situation arises, to avoid a defensive reaction, ask the employee what happened, how he feels about it and how you can work together to solve the problem.

3.      Repeat What Was Said
During a conversation, repeating and summarizing what the speaker has said can ensure that you’re both on the same page. Simply rephrasing what the individual has said in your own words and asking if you’ve understood correctly can ensure that misunderstandings don’t occur and prevent tension from escalating.

4.      Communicate Your Feelings
Express your opinions in everyday interactions; if an employee has done a great job on a project, say so. Likewise, if a project needs improvement, be proactive in expressing how the project can be improved. In more complicated situations, avoid blaming an individual for her actions. Instead, communicate how these actions make you feel and request a change in behavior. If an employee consistently comes in late to Monday morning meetings, rather than just telling her to be on time, tell her that when she comes in late, it’s frustrating to you and the rest of the team because her input on the project is valuable to the meeting. Follow up by asking how she feels about the issue and work together to resolve the problem.

5.      Avoid Strong Reactions
If an individual is upset, such as an employee or client, avoid reacting immediately, such as criticizing the person or lashing out. Let the individual vent, then tell him that you understand his frustration; if you don’t understand, ask him to tell you more about what has frustrated him about the situation. Keep the dialogue moving without reacting personally to what is said. If the situation escalates or becomes tense, take a break from the conversation and make plans to discuss the issue the next day once you've both calmed down.

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